Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Find it!

You’ll need:
Angry bird cut-outs (or other theme) with targets on the back
A room with easy light switch access

First, create your angry bird cut-outs.  (In therapy we are working on the pronouns “he” and “she” so I glued pictures of girls and boys engaging in different activities on the back of the birds.)  Hang up your angry bird cut outs around your therapy room.  Turn off the lights and let your client use their flashlight to find an angry bird.  I sit right next to the light switch in the therapy room so it is very easy to control.  Once they locate a card, turn the lights back on and work on that card. 

This activity is super easy to set up and is a big hit with clients.  They love the idea of “finding” something and being able to have control of the flashlight.  Plus, it gets them up out of their seat and breaks up drilling.