Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sequencing with Mr. Potato Head

What you'll need:
  • Mr. Potato Head
  • Camera to take pictures of Mr. Potato Head in different stages of assembly which are then turned into sequencing cards (optional)

Mr. Potato Head is a great way to target sequencing.  Kids love playing with him and it's a neat alternative to using boring sequencing cards.  Sequencing becomes much more realistic and easy to relate to when they are able to physically put it into practice.

Start off by taking pictures of Mr. Potato Head in a sequence.
In the image above I have taken pictures of Mr. Potato Head with feet, arms, eyes, and a nose and mouth.

First, have your client put the cards in order.  Then allow him to reenact each step.  Have him describe what he is doing as he assembles Mr. Potato Head.

1) "First, put I put his feet on"
2) "Next, I put him arms on"
3) "Then, I put his eyes on"
4) "Lastly, I put his nose and mouth on"

To maximize production, I have my client repeat all 4 steps after he has assembled Mr. Potato Head.

You don't necessarily need to make sequencing cards!  Another way to use Mr. Potato Head is to have your client assemble him in his own way (shoes for example, then eyes, then a hat).  After he is done, ask him: "Tell me what you did" and let them sequence on their own "First I put shoes on him, then I added eyes, lastly I added a hat".

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